Version 0.6.5


-  Added

  • A Countdown that appears at the beginning of every run
  • A Tutorial menu that appears each time you press "play", but not when you press "retry"

- Changed

  • The window is now 1600x9000 and it's impossible to resize it. I thought that it was a good resolution for most monitors nowadays, I had to change it because resizing lower would break the UI.

- Possible Future updates

  • Finishing the font that I am working on
  • Making it possible to navigate the UI using only the keyboard
  • Make a prompt to choose a window size  - 1280x720, 1600x900 or Fullscreen
  • Fixing the main menu buttons because some of the corners aren't rounded when they should be and it is really getting to me

I will also look into how do-able it is to make an android version and maybe controller support

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